Arms Warrior DPS Macros and Addons - The War Within Pre-Patch (2024)

Last updated on Jul 23, 2024 at 00:30by Archimtiros59 comments

General Information

On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Arms Warrior in World of Warcraft — The War Within Pre-Patch.

If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our TBC Warrior addons and macros.


Macros for Arms Warriors


Generic Macros for Warriors

Warriors typically do not need many macros to play effectively, althougha few can be very nice quality-of-life improvements, automating targeting reticules and eliminating excess keystrokes.

With the talent loadouts system creating individual action bars for eachset, there is much less need for macros which switch abilities depending onwhich is talented at the time. That said, [known:######] condition will stillallow this, using a talented spell ID to determine which ability is shown.

Abilities which directly replace one another, like Victory Rush andImpending Victory, will continue to work regardless of which ability is namedin the macro.


Colossus Smash and Avatar

  • #showtooltip
  • /cast Avatar
  • /cast Colossus Smash

This simple macro will use Arms Warrior DPS Macros and Addons - The War Within Pre-Patch (1) Avatar and Arms Warrior DPS Macros and Addons - The War Within Pre-Patch (2) Colossus Smashsimultaneously, though it can be combined with any other on-GCD abilityinstead. Remember that multiple on-GCD abilities cannot be combined withoutvery explicit logic though.


Pummel Macro

  • #showtooltip Pummel
  • /cast [@focus, harm, exists][@target] Pummel

This macro uses Arms Warrior DPS Macros and Addons - The War Within Pre-Patch (3) Pummel against your focus target, if you haveone, or against your current target if you have no focus target.


Auto-Drop Ravager

  • #showtooltip
  • /cast [@player] Ravager

This will instantly drop Ravager at the feet of the character, without the need for a targeting circle, making it very easy to position. Arms Warrior DPS Macros and Addons - The War Within Pre-Patch (4) Champion's Spear can also be used in a similar manner.


Automatic Heroic Leap

  • #showtooltip Heroic Leap
  • /cast [@cursor] Heroic Leap

This will cast Arms Warrior DPS Macros and Addons - The War Within Pre-Patch (5) Heroic Leap where ever your cursor is located,without waiting for the targeting circle.


Heroic Leap Spam

  • #showtooltip Heroic Leap
  • /cast !Heroic Leap

This allows you to spam the Arms Warrior DPS Macros and Addons - The War Within Pre-Patch (6) Heroic Leap button, but still retainthe ground-targeting circle..


Charge and Victory Rush

  • #showtooltip
  • /cast Charge
  • /cast Victory Rush
  • /cancelaura Bladestorm

Because Charge is off the Global Cooldown, Victory Rush or any other meleeability can be used on the same keybind. When outside of melee range, Chargewill be cast instead. This macro will also cancel Bladestorm to ensure theplayer is not prevented from moving quickly.


Specific Macros for Arms Warriors

  • #showtooltip Colossus Smash
  • /use Colossus Smash
  • /use Blood Fury
  • /use Berserking
  • /use 13
  • /use 14

This macro uses off-global cooldown racial abilities and any equippedtrinkets alongside Arms Warrior DPS Macros and Addons - The War Within Pre-Patch (7) Colossus Smash.


Addons recommended for Arms Warriors


Generic Addons for Warriors



Here, at Icy Veins, we useElvUIfor all our characters. This addon is a complete replacement of the defaultUser Interface. It comes with almost everything you need to perform properly:action bars, cooldown timers, proc display, etc.

We strongly recommend that you get this addon and our forum moderator Pandacho has writtena quick configuration guide for it.


Boss Mods: Deadly Boss Mods or Bigwigs

Boss mods are addons that warn you about boss abilities and give youlive advice on how to handle some mechanics. We strongly recommend you toget one such addon. At Icy Veins, we mostly useDeadly Boss Mods,the most popular boss mod. A good alternative isBig Wigs.



GTFO is a lightweightaddon that notifies you when you are standing in harmful effects or when youare making other such mistakes. It is very useful, even if your boss mod isalready alerting you of such things.


Parrot or Mik's Scrolling Battle Text

Parrot andMik's Scrolling Battle Text are highlycustomisable addons for displaying floating battle text while in combat (incomingheals, damage of your spells, etc.). They both work very well by default.


Weak Auras

WeakAuras is anextremely useful addon that allows you to have visual effects on your screen,helping you track your buffs, debuffs and cooldowns. It is highly customisableand it can make it much, much easier to keep track of your procs and play yourspec more proficiently. It can also be used for a variety of otherfunctions.



TellMeWhen is anextremely useful addon with a user-friendly interface that allows you to tracka multitude of things, from internal cooldowns, to buffs, debuffs, andprocs.


Raeli's Spell Announcer

Raeli's Spell Announceris an extremely useful addon that allows you to send announcements whenever youuse certain spells. It is of particular use to announce when you use raidcooldowns or other important abilities.


Recount / Skada / Details!

Recount is awell known addon that most people use for displaying current DPS or HPS(Healing Per Second). This add-on is not really lightweight, and provides avery high amount of information (and it can sometimes cause issues withperformance). It is generally a good option to use Recount for checking what youtake damage from and if the share of damage/healing you do with each of yourabilities is similar to that of other players of your class.

An alternative to Recount (similar in function, so the choice is personalpreference) is Details!.

A lightweight alternative to Recount and Details! is Skada Damage Meter.


Omen Threat Meter

Omen Threat Meteris the most popular addon for displaying the current threat levels on yourtarget. We recommend you to use it to avoid taking aggro when the tank is still buildingup threat on an enemy.


Specific Addons for Arms Warriors

Currently, we feel that there is no need for additional addons to play anArms Warrior to its full potential, though many rotational helpers exist tohelp new players acclimate to the rotational decision-making.



  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Feb. 2024: Fixed broken spell link with the Champion's Spear formerly of Bastion.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.2
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight launch.
  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.

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Arms Warrior DPS Macros and Addons - The War Within Pre-Patch (2024)


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Best boss DPS (in realistic settings)

Fury Warrior achieved 2.08% more maximum boss DPS than Arms Warrior when dealing with occasional movement, lag and crowd-control.

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Generally considered the best race for Horde Arms Warriors in PvE, Orcs provide several powerful racial effects that make them extremely strong. Orcish warriors like Grom Hellscream have been iconic in the world of Warcraft, so it is no coincidence that Orc Warriors are very powerful.

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Valuable Raid Buffs for Arms Warrior DPS in Cataclysm
  • 5% Stats - , Mark of the Wild,
  • +549 Strength and Agility - Horn of Winter, Battle Shout, ,
  • +20% Attack Power - (Blood), (Enhance), , (Marksmanship)
  • +10% Attack Speed - Windfury Totem, (Frost), (Survival)
May 19, 2024

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Arms Warriors are high intensity damage dealers which specialize in bleeds, proc gameplay, and execute damage. The rotation leads off with a combination of Mortal Strike, Overpower, and Rend, punctuated by periods of burst damage from Colossus Smash, before ending the encounter by way of heavy Execute.

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For Classic end-game content, Fury is the best spec for DPS Warriors. They will either use a slow 2H weapon with a Slam build or use two 1H weapons with high DPS as Dual-Wield Fury.

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Best Leveling Spec for Warriors in The War Within

Fury and Arms are both solid in solo content and can deal out a lot of damage with their various abilities. They both also have plenty of sustain to get through their enemies without having to slow down.

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Best Arms Warrior Legendaries
  • Raid Legendary: Enduring Blow.
  • Mythic+ Legendary: Enduring Blow.
  • Second Legendary: Unity grants Elysian Might or Sinful Surge.

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Best Races for Alliance DPS Warriors. Human is the best race for PvE. Gnome and Dwarf are the best races for PvP. Night Elf is slightly behind, but has its own perks, which you can read about below.

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BiS List for Arms Warrior
Mainhand WeaponFyr'alath the Dreamrender (535)
HelmThraexhelm of the Onyx Crucible (528)
NeckTorc of Passed Time (525)
ShoulderPauldrons of the Onyx Crucible (528)
11 more rows

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Best Arms Warrior Stats

Arms Warrior should focus on Critical Strike and Haste, followed by Versatility and Mastery, though all of Arms' stats tend to be fairly close together and item level is typically more important than perfect stat distribution.

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Arms is the most popular leveling spec build for Warriors, as the spec focuses on dealing more damage and can still tank most of leveling dungeons if needed.

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Any RACE (eg night elf, human, undead, blood elf) can use guns; however only 3 CLASSES (hunter, warrior, and rouge) of the races can.

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For Hunters, Marksmanship is the best PvE spec.

Beast Mastery and Survival will not be as good, with a minor exception for Beast Mastery at very early gear levels (explained below). If you want to play one spec for all PvE content, go for Marksmanship. 2.1.

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While both Fury and Arms are powerful options when it comes to WotLK PvE content, the general rule of thumb is: Arms early on and then Fury when you are geared. Warriors are well-known for needing gear to scale their damage up, and this concept does not change in Wrath of the Lich King.

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Best Leveling Spec for Warriors. Arms Warrior. Fury Warrior.

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Fury starts of very weak early on and scales up throughout the expansions lifespan, becoming fairly powerful towards the end. Arms spec instead. Not reliant on resources; can sustain combat infinitely. Satisfying, simple rotation that feels rewarding to play.


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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.