Different Perspectives (2024)

Different Perspectives is a comic series in SapphireFoxx. It was released from October 2, 2014 to November 4, 2015, with a total of 400 pages, in which 113 of those have uncensored Beyond versions. It focuses on Chris Young, who has the ability to transform into women by wearing their clothes.


  • 1 Synopsis
  • 2 Production
  • 3 Characters
  • 4 Chapter Summary
  • 5 Plot
    • 5.1 Wardrobe Malfunctions
    • 5.2 Miscalculations
    • 5.3 Secrets between Girlfriends
    • 5.4 An Internal Sibling Rivalry
    • 5.5 Magical Mayhem
    • 5.6 Twins and Doubles
    • 5.7 Epilogue
    • 5.8 Deleted Scene
  • 6 Trivia


Different Perspectives is the story of Chris Young, a guy in high school who finds out he has the power to transform into people by wearing their clothes. Weirdly, it only works on girls’ clothes. Chris frequently uses his power to help out the people he knows or for his own personal gain, but his plans always seem to backfire on him while he’s transformed. He has a number of girls to choice from including his girlfriend, sister, mother, teacher, and his female self.


  • Producer: Sam Mokler
  • Writer: Sam Mokler


  • Main Characters

  • Side Characters

Main Characters

















Side Characters


Mr. JinglesMr. Jingles

Mr. AllenMr. Allen

Police OfficerPolice Officer

Beach BoyBeach Boy

Beach BoyBeach Boy












IT GuyIT Guy


Chapter Summary[]

  • Part 1 - Wardrobe Malfunctions (pages 1-116)
  • Part 2 - Miscalculations (pages 117-157)
  • Part 3 - Secrets between Girlfriends (pages 158-250)
  • Part 4 - An Internal Sibling Rivalry (pages 251-318)
  • Part 5 - Magical Mayhem (pages 319-368)
  • Part 6 - Twins and Doubles (pages 369-400)
  • Epilogue (page 400)
  • Deleted Scene


Wardrobe Malfunctions[]

This part is from pages 1 to 116. (↑ back to chapter summary)

Aug 2 - Sept 10, 2014

Seattle Washington 2014, Chris Young is a high school jock about to start his senior year. He currently lives with his Younger (Irish Twin) sister Jessica and widowed Mother Scarlet who is soon to have her faience Mark move in with them in a few months. Chris is laid back and a bit fun loving but still has a sense of responsibility. Jessica is a bit snot nosed and selfish and is against Mark moving in. As both Jessica and Scarlet leave for the day Chris goes to the basem*nt to sort the laundry as one of his chores. When he is sorting, he puts on a sweater she assumes is his that has simply shrunken but it actually belongs to Jessica. Chris realizes this but before he can take it off his body seems to gradually but quickly transform into a shape that better fits the sweater, getting shorter and skinnier with all his muscles fading away. Chris is shocked and confused but realizes somethings odd is happening. He then tries on Jessica's pants as well and when his legs change to match her body as well, he discovers he is somehow able to transform his body by wearing other clothing. To be sure he can reverse it he takes off the sweater and puts his own shirt back on which restores his normal body shape much to his relief.

Chris is curious how far this power can go so he tries it out again. This time he puts on his sisters Bra to get her breasts and then dawns her sweater and pants again to now have her full body. He then finds clip on earrings that let him transform his head as well fully becoming Jessica minus the crotch with remains unchanged by the pants. Still curious Chris then goes to his mother's closet to see if he can become other people. He tries on the clothing Mark has already moved into Scarlets closet but they seem to have no effect. When he dawns his mother's clothing however his features reshape to better match hers. At this point Chirs realizes he somehow has the power to reshape his body piece by piece only by wearing women's clothing and he'll become whoever owns the cloths in question. While he finds his power rather odd, he is still curious how he could use this to his advantage. He then uses his own clothing and a hat to transform back into himself before his mother comes home soon after. Chris finishes the laundry hoping to try his power out more later. Scarlet confides in him about how his sister still refuses to even try to accept Mark but Chris points out it took him a while too.

A few days later Chris goes to visit his girlfriend Holly Allen who he's been with nearly two years now. He brings her a new surfboard as a present as they are planning to have weekend away together soon before school starts up again and Chirs owes her for breaking her old one. Holly is grateful and the two go out to date night and have sex afterwards. The next morning Chris and Holly wake up and Holly needs to leave for work rather quickly and leves Chris to get dressed and show himself out. After she is gone Chris decides to try his power out again, this time to become Holly. To test if he can change his crotch, he dawns some of her panties which do the trick and transform his penis into Holly's vagin*. He puts on more of her clothing to complete his transformation into Holly and to satisfy his own curiosity he pleasures his new crotch as Holly's cat Mr. Jingles watches in confusion. As Chris is having his fun however the real Holly comes back having forgot something, but Chris is able to hide behind the closet doors in her room to avoid being seen. After Holly leaves again Chirs is forced to leave as her as holly found and took his original outfit assuming he had a second pair to leave and planned to return them to him on her way home later. Chris leaves as Holly able to talk his way past Holly's Father and later Scarlet when he gets home. he gets up to his room and dawns his own clothing to change himself back to normal and is confident that he handled the little hiccup rather well.

After another couple days Chris talks with Mark about how the two have bonded a bit but he's still not sure how Jessica may be swayed to better accept him. Scarlet comes home with a new car that Chris is in awe of and is eager to take it for a joyride. However due to Chris having a minor fender bender not too long ago and not trusting Jessica's judgment Scarlet has had the ignition fitted with a fingerprint scanner so only she can drive it. Chris is at first disappointed but remembers how he can circumvent that little issue. About a week later Chris transform into Scarlet again to drive the car. He is briefly stopped by Jessica who talks with her (him) about a new boy she has been seeing which Chris is curious about, but Jessica doesn't reveal his name just yet. Chris than leaves as Scarlet and takes the car out for a ride. As he drives, he suddenly begins to have more feminine thoughts that seem to be more along the lines of what his mother would think of not him. Chirs has more and more of these minor thoughts pop up and begins to realize that the longer he's transformed the more he begins to think like whoever he turns into. While he is starting to get worries, he wants to experiment with his powers a bit more and goes cloths shopping to try out different sizes. As he tries on new cloths, he realizes he can change things like weight and breast size by wearing larger things and slim down certain parts of his body but earrings and such have no effect and seem to become imprinted with Scarlets features since he is shopping as her. Chris originally only planned to buy a few things but with his mother's thoughts taking over more and more he ends up buying arms fully of clothing much to his own annoyance that he can't seem to control his own mind after being transformed so long. Chris then drives home but is pulled over for speeding in a residential area. Since Chris doesn't have Scarlet's license or anything he is forced to flirt with the cop and play the innocent dumb girl to get off the hook with just a warning. Once he's back home Chirs transforms again happy to be free of Scarlets thoughts and begins to realize there's more to these powers than he originally thought and that he needs to be careful.

A week later Chris and Holly are packing to go on their end of summer trip to a beach a few hours away and while packing Chirs sneaks a few articles of Holly's cloths into his own suite case just in case he gets the chance to use his powers. At the beach the next few days the couple have great time but at dinner one night Holly asks Chris about why he and Jessica are always at odds with one another. Chris explains how they used to be close but drifted apart and now she's so selfish and stuck up refusing to change or grow up all the time. Holly says how she always wanted a sibling but has always been an only child. Chris gets curious again and wants to try something out with his powers. He feigns having a stomachache from bad shellfish and excuses himself to go to their room for a bit while Holly finished dinner than heads to the beach for the sunset. Once back in the room Chris uses the clothing he brought to turn into holly again and since his form will transform back anyway, he gives himself (herself) a haircut, so he is just a little less identical to the real Holly. He then leaves fully transformed and casually runs into Holly who is shocked to see a girl who is practically her twin. Chris plays it off and introduces herself as Carly acting just as surprised as Holly is. The two talk a bit shocked at how similar they are and have a few hours fun together. Holly texts Chris' phone but Chris discreetly responds to hide the face Carly is really him and claims he's still in the room throwing up from food poisoning. Holly and Carly decide to spend a bit of time together and go to the beach. There, Holly casually flirts with two brother and playfully jokes she and Carly are twins. Carly questions her on it saying how her boyfriend wouldn't like it but Holly laughs it off saying she just has a little fun getting flirty and would never cheat on her man. The two "girls" hang out a bit longer until Carly says she needs to go, and Holly takes a Selfie of them to remember things and show Chris later. Chris then rushes back to the room ahead of Holly to change back quickly but he is only transformed from the hips up by the time she comes back. Chirs manages to play it off a bit by keeping Holly talking saying he was pretty sick but seems to have gotten it out of his system and is much better now. As he talks things off and Holly is more focused on getting dressed his transformation finishes and he's fully restored with Holly noticing anything too serios.

School starts up a few days after the couple get back and after the first few days Chris learns the boy Jessica was talking about before is one of his teammates Bruce who he knows to be a bad influence and untrustworthy. Chris tires to make Jessica see this but her stubbornness persists, and she refuses his warnings. Seeing another chance to use his powers for some good Chris decides to bring some of Jessica's clothing to one of his football practices. He transforms into Jessica in the boy's locker room hoping to pull Bruce into a date that will ruin their relationship before it takes off but unexpectedly runs into another of his teammates, Derrick. Derrick is a nice guy but is a bit offset by a girl coming into the boy's locker room. Chris plays it off and finds Bruce to ask him to hang out after he finishes getting cleaned up and changed. Chris (as Jessica) takes Bruce to a dinner and gets flirty with the waiter and brushes Bruce off enough to make him mad enough to end things and walk out on "her". Chris feels his mission is accomplished and goes to finish his meal quickly then leave to change back. Before he can finish however Derrick and another of his teammates Adam come in and recognize Jessica. They join "her" and talk a bit but as time passes Chris begins to have more and more of Jessica's thoughts and after having seen Derrick naked begins to feel attracted to him to some degree due to Jessica's persona taking over his thoughts. Chris is able to leave soon after and change back to stop the thoughts but begins to worry these transformations are messing with his head a bit too much.

About a week later Chirs is out shopping with Holly and begins to casually ask her about how sizes work in women's clothing. Holly is confused but assumes he simply wants to shop for her and his family better, so she explains the basics of Bra sizes and other womans clothing compared to men's. Chris then gets the idea to create the perfect female form by mixing together a few different sizes and body parts from the women he's already turned into and then plans to buy unowned clothing to see what he turns into then. Over the next couple days Chris makes a drawing of his "Sexy Frankenstein that he plans to turn himself into but is still unsure what his head will look like if he transforms using unowned clothing. As he is finishing sketching his body blueprint Jessica knocks on his door and asks to come in to talk to him. Chris tries to hide his notebook and answers the door. Jessica comes in and sits the bed next to the notebook but is too distracted talking to Chris to notice what's on the page. She admits Chris was right and tells him how Bruce went off on her about flirting with other guys on a date she knows they didn't go on. Chris plays it off and says she'll find someone better and needs to wait for the right guy, not just jump into any cute guy's lap.

Chris goes shopping soon after and begins to pick out clothing in the sizes and shapes he wanted and compares it to his plans and the measurements of Jessica, Holly, and Scarlet. After he has his body shaped just the way he wanted with DD breasts and very attractive curves he puts on a pair of unowned earrings and watches in the mirror as his head transforms into a female version of his own. Amazed that wearing unowned clothing created a female form of his own body Chris deems this new form Christina and admires the figure. He goes as far as to undress down to a bikini and take a selfie on his phone in the dressing room mirror to admire his new form. He checks out and then goes shoe shopping but when one of the clerks in the shop gives him (her) a pair of heals assuming they'd go well with her outfit Chris(tina) is forced to put them on to be polite but when she tries to walk, she trips as she has no experiences with heals and crashes into the clerk. The two then blush and seem to have a mild flirty moment. After Chris(tina) finishes up and head back to her car with a few outfits she is walking through the mall but begins to get a bad headache and even seems to experience some kind of migraine. Chris is unsure what happened but unknown to him some other personality seems to have formed in the background of his mind. As he walks out to his car, he has thoughts that are not his own yet seem to mirror them to some degree. Once he removes his earing and puts his own sunglasses on his head is turned back to normal and the odd background thoughts seem to fade away. He goes home and claims to Scarlet and Mark that he was at the mall with Holly all day, but Jessica overhears this and knows he's lying as she saw Holly posting stuff online about being somewhere else alone.


This part is from pages 117 to 157. (↑ back to chapter summary)

Oct 2 - 18, 2014

A month later Chris is finishing up in his calculous Class when his teacher Miss Tuner pulls him aside saying his grades have been slipping in her class and per school rules if they slip much more, he won't be able to play on the football team anymore. Desperate to get a good grade and unable to change classes despite not getting it well Chris plans to change into Miss Turner to try and give himself a passing grade so he can stay on the team. A few days later he comes to school as Holly since he can use her to get into the girl's locker room and swipe a few of Turner's softball couch cloths to turn into her. At school Chris runs into Jessica and is forced to talk with her a bit about things like homecoming plans until he sees the real Holly coming their way. He tells Jessica her makeup is smeared and gets her out of the way so she can use some back up cloths he has in his bag to turn his head in Jessica's before Holly notices her. He talks things off and swaps back to Holly to enter the locker room since Jessica doesn't play any sports and Holly runs track. While in the locker room Chris is enamored by being able to see all the other girls undress but soon refocuses and get Turner's locker open to use her clothing to transform into her.

As Miss Turner he flirts with a school record keeper to get the password to get into her computer. As Chris heads back to the classroom to change his grade he finds another student outside waiting for Miss Turner to ask her about a math problem. Chris initially worries he'll be useless at it but as he looks over what she's talking about it makes much more sense to him and he realizes as he's transformed as Miss Turner, he can better understand Calculous. He helps the student but decides to try his newfound knowledge out on something else. Instead of hacking the system and change his grade Chris retakes the latest Calculous exam while transformed so he can understand it better making sure to get a few answers wrong, so the real Miss Turner doesn't get suspicious. As he's doing the new exam however the school Principal Miss Hairfield comes in but to Chris' surprise flirts with and kisses him in Miss Turners body realizing the two women have been having a secret relationship together. Despite Chris' attempts to stop things escalating and claims to need to get work done Principle Hairfield is in a mood and begins to fondle his breasts much to Chris's enjoyment. He then begins to think more like Miss Turner with her mind taking over his like with the others and struggles to fight the urges he feels while Hairfield pleasures his transformed body. Fearing this is cheating on Holly, Chris manages to regain focus and ends things abruptly and gets Hairfield to agree to continue later. He then finishes his redo exam and places it with the other so the real Miss Turner can grade them later so his Calculous grade won't slip now.

Another week later Chris is watching football in the living room when Scarlet comes in to tell him she's going out with some friends for the night. Chris sees this as another opportunity to take a joyride in her car, so he goes to transform into her again. After he finishes however Mark walks in on him and assumes he's the real Scarlet. Chris claims "her" friends bailed on her and now she wants to go out for a bit, but Mark insists they have a date night. Forced to comply to keep the secret and not ruin anything with Scarlet and Mark Chris agrees and gets dressed in something more formal. The two go to a club for the night where Chris is forced to try and playthings off for the night but struggles to keep Mark from getting too forward. After a kiss disgust him Chris tries to make things go faster with some drinks, but things continue to escalate too much. After a while longer Chris gets a message from the real Scarlet's friends that she got too drunk and will be home in half an hour. Chris manages to get Marks phone, so he doesn't see when he gets the same message. The couple dance a bit more but when Chris gets tipsy from the drinks Mark agrees to go home and the two take a Taxi. In the back seat however, Mark gets very forward and fondles and fingers "Scarlet". Chris is discussed but between the drinks and his mind already beginning to shift to Scarlet's thoughts he conflictedly plays along until ending it when they get home. Once there he sees the real Scarlet already passed out in bed and goes to transform back to normal while Mark gets ready for bed himself. Mark tries to start things back up with the real Scarlet, but she is already hung over and pushes him off in anger he came home drunk and Horney. The two then just go to sleep disappointed at each other. Meanwhile Chirs transforms back to normal but is disgusted with both himself and the situation he caused. He then says he plans never to use his powers again and get rid of all his female clothing soon.

Secrets between Girlfriends[]

This part is from pages 158 to 250. (↑ back to chapter summary)

Oct 18 - 31, 2014

A few days later Holly comes over to hang out for a bit with Chris before they go out for dinner. Chris is running a bit behind and goes for a shower while Holly helps Scarlet bake for a bit. Holly finds Chirs left his phone downstairs and goes up to give it to him knowing he's almost done in the shower. While she waits in his room, she finds the Christina Selfie on his phone. After seeing it was taken from his phone six weeks ago she assumes Chris cheated on her and confronts him about it when he comes out of the shower. Forced to come clean Chris puts on Christina's earrings and reveals his secret to Holly. He explains his strange power and while Holly is shocked, she can see he's serious and apologizes for assuming he was cheating on her. As Chris finishes turning into Christina to his surprise Holly suggests they turn their date night into a girl's night out and he stays that way for the night. Chris agrees and the two head to dinner. After they talk a bit about how Chris found out about his powers and what he's been doing with them the two "girls" have dinner and afterwards Holly admits to Christina she's bisexual and the two share a kiss. Chris is shocked but Holly explains she had one girl friends once named Kayla who is out as a lesbian but Holly's parents are too conservative and would never let her be with another girl under their roof so they had to break things off and stay friends, but Holly's still attracted to women. With a little convincing Holly brings Christina home as a friend spending the night and the two end up having rather passionate lesbian sex much to Chris' pleasure and enjoyment since he's doing it with someone, he loves this time. The two then fall asleep in each other's embrace worn out and overcome with pleasure.

Early the next morning Chris wakes up early, but his mind is taken over by a female version of himself who is startled to see herself in bed naked with Holly. Holly questions her on it but she claims she's Christina and she seems to remember herself as Holly's best friend not boy (or girl) friend. Holly realizes what Chris had told her about getting overcome by the thoughts of who he turns into and sees he's somehow blacked out to Christina despite the fact Christina isn't a real person. She manages to get one of Chris' hats and wrestles her down to transform her head back to Chris to snap him out of it. Chris is confused as he didn't think he could blackout since he created Christina's body and she isn't real like the other women he's become but now that Holly knows about his powers, he confident she can help keep an eye on him.

A few days later Chris is working at the gym Mark helps run as a part time job where he sees Kayla and gets to know her a bit but she seems to ask a bit much about Holly. Soon after Holly and Chris go out shopping for a Homecoming dress for her and to help her pick the perfect one she has Chris turn into her to try a few on so she can see how they look. At one point while the real Holly is in the dressing room Kayla comes up and finds Chris transformed as Holly out in the store and starts talking with her. Kayla gets a bit too close and lets it slip she still cares for Holly and Holly has mentioned the same thing recently much to Chris' shock who then leaves. The real Holly chases him down as he's changing back away from prying eyes but Chris accuses her of cheating on him with Kayla recently or just using him to hide the fact she's a lesbian from her parents. Holly tries to calm him down and explains she hasn't been with anyone else since they started dating but Chris leaves angry wanting time to think.

The next week Chris and Holly are still at odds and he's talking with Jessica in the living room. Jessica lets it slip she's still seeing Bruce much to Chris' anger, but she insists he's changed and isn't as bad as he let him out to be. Scarlet comes up from the basem*nt with a box of her old cloths she hasn't worn since the 80s. Jessica thinks they look weird, but Chris gets intrigued and looks into them more. A short time later Chris gets the clothing from the box and tries them on. As he suspected since Scarlet hasn't worn them for years the clothing seems to turn him into a younger looking version of her. Chris then decides to put his new look to the test and try to break up Bruce and Jessica once again. Chris goes to the mall to meet Bruce before Jessica gets there and flirts with him as the younger Scarlet. After a few pushes to get him interested Bruce claims he's single and Chris flirts with him a bit and begins to cuddle up to him as Jessica get closer. Just before he goes as far as to kiss Bruce, Jessica comes up behind them and catches him in the act. Jessica slaps him and ends things with him for good. Chris then slaps him as well playing the two-timed girl and leaves satisfied his plan was successful just as his mind begins to phase to a younger Scarlets more frivolous thoughts.

The day before Halloween Chris learns about a party both Holly and Kayla will be attending at his friend Adams place and wants to try and spy on them to see if they really are a closet couple. Knowing Holly will suspect any of the girls he's become thus far and is smart enough to recognize a young version of Scarlet Chris decides to try and mix match different parts from different women to make a new look. He uses earing from Miss Turner and glasses from Christina to give himself Turner's face with Christina's eyes. He then uses Young Scarlets hair clips to get her hair style but uses a shampoo Holly left there to change the color from Scarlet's blond to Holly's red. As he's finishing his makeover with Jessica's lip-gloss to give him her lips the real Jessica knocks on the bathroom door desperate to pee. Chris doesn't have anything to change his head back to normal, so he wraps a towel around his hair and puts sunglasses on to hid to his face and manages to deepen his voice enough to get past Jessica. As he leaves to his room however Jessica notices the clues in his face and the missing cloths from the past few months and begins to suspect Chris is a crossdresser and has been stealing her cloths and make up to dress as a girl. Chris meanwhile finishes his body shapping then goes to school to find Adam. "She" introduces herself as Heidi and flirts with Adam to get an invite to the party. He then goes to the mall and find a schoolgirl costume to wear to the party the next night.

The next day at the Halloween party Chris goes as Heidi and not only gets spotted by Derrik who's interested in her but also spots Holly and Kayla and tries to spy on them from nearby. Chris overhears how Kayla has a girlfriend already and has come out to her parents while Holly knows hers will never accept her as bi. He also hears how Kayla simply loves Holly more like a sister not romantically anymore and Holly cares about Chris but worries he's too hotheaded to listen to her if she tries to explain all this to. Chris overhears this and regrets suspecting Holly of cheating just as his thoughts begin to shift. At the same point Derrick come up behind him and flirts with "her" a bit. As this goes on a bit Chris begins to have multiple thoughts cloud over his own mind from all the different women he's mixed up and begins to get a bad headache from the mix of all the different thoughts. He runs outside not sure what to do as he didn't bring anything to change back but Holly comes up behind him and reveals she's figured out who she is based on her look and behavior. Chris apologizes and Holly uses a hat she had packed in her purse for emergencies like this to change his head back to normal. He then apologizes with a clear head and the two make up. To finish up at the party Chris has to use Christina's glasses to turn into her again since he doesn't have anything except a hat of his and the two go back to the party for a bit. When Christina goes to try bobbing for apples Holly takes her last revenge for him spying on her and knocks her into the tub making her outfit nearly see through from the water. Derrik spys this and gets drawn to her again but Chris and Holly leave before things escalate. The two drive to a more secluded spot and Chris uses an outfit from the car to change back fully and he and Holly both apologize for letting things get sour between them and have make up sex in the car.

An Internal Sibling Rivalry[]

This part is from pages 251 to 318. (↑ back to chapter summary)

Nov 14 - 25, 2014

Two weeks later Chris and Holly have been having a bit more fun with lesbian sex and avoiding letting him stay transformed for too long but one day after football practice Chris is alone with Derrik in the Lockeroom showers when he starts to hear Christina's thoughts in the background of his head. Despite the fact he's not transformed at all Chris hears Christina's thoughts about being attracted to Derrik and her attraction cause Chris to experience arousal and get a hard on in the locker room. Afraid the others will think he's gay Chris tries to hide it and claims he was daydreaming about Holly and got a bit too happy. Back outside Chris tells Holly and she suggests if things are getting to the point of him having the wrong thoughts even when not transformed, he should cease using his powers completely and hopefully those thoughts will just fade away after time. Chris agrees and the next day puts all the clothing from Scarlet, Jessica, and Holly back to where they came from and plans to donate the clothing he bought for Christina in the morning. He then goes to sleep hoping to put this all behind him the next day.

In the middle of the night Chris nocks a part of Christina's clothing onto his head in his sleep transforming it and Christina takes over since she wakes up earlier than Chris and as she comes too is freaked out by the fact, she has a man's body. Christina has fully taken over since Chris' mind seems to be asleep and as she puts on her own clothing to change back realizing it alters her body back to her proper shape, she also finds Chris's phone and reads the texts from Holly putting a few clues together and begins to suspect she isn't what she thinks she is. She then spots Scarlet out the window and decides to put her question to the test. She sneaks of the window and comes up and greets Scarlet, but she doesn't recognize her at all, and Christina runs off in tears that who she thought was her own mother didn't know her and realizes she isn't real and somehow is living inside of someone named Chris. She decides to try and fight for her right to exist since she sees Chris was planning to get rid of her cloths and stop being her anymore, so she puts her plan in motion.

Christina puts on one of Chris' necklaces to get his voice but not change back her head so she can call and talk to Holly to get more information. After playing off a conversation with Holly she finds out she needs clothing to be able to change back into herself and decides to put measures in place to ensure she can change back if needed. Christina then goes out shopping and stashes several sets of cloths in various places Chris frequents. She also meets up with and has minor date with Derrik finally introducing herself properly and planning to meet up with him again later in the week. Finally, she buys a cheap cell phone she can use and sets up her own minor identity but just as she is finishing up shopping Chris wakes up and is freaked out to see Christina in control. He fights for control back, but Christina tries to reason with him and try and share control of the body, but Chris refuses and manages to fight back control. He calls Holly who was already getting worried, and she rushes over with an outfit for him wear and change back suppressing Christina again. Chris thinks he's won and agrees to throw out all of the clothing he has of Christina's left not knowing about the stashes she's made. He goes home to a mildly worried Scarlet and thanks Holly for her help.

Two days later Chris is confronted by Jessica who found the clothing she's been missing from her closet suddenly put back and accuses him of being a crossdresser and plans to rat him out for stealing her clothing. not wanting anyone to think he's a crossdresser Chris is forced to come clean and shows Jessica his power revealing his secret. She passes out from the shock and Chris puts her to bed, but she wakes up soon after to find him fully turned into her. Jessica is shocked even as he explains things. Chirs leaves out how he used his power to break her and Bruce up and the issues with Christina but explains most everything else. Still mad at him for stealing her clothing Jessica has him change a few times and alter his chest size and hair style to use him like a model to see what she's look good in or with a few improvements, but they are both forced to stop when Scarlet walks in and Chris is forced to hide behind the door. Jessica ends things after she leaves but makes it clear she'll be asking a few more favors of him down the road.

The next day at School Chris is in class but unknown to him Christina is in the background and while he's bit zoned out, she manages to make his arms move a bit and is gaining more and more strength in the background. That weekend, Holly is away visiting her grandparents out of town and shortly after Chris hangs up on a call with her Christina takes control again. Chris is shocked and tries to resist but Christina has gained too much strength from biding her time in the background and she uses one of her clothing stashes to change her body and gain even more strength. Using Chris's voice again she calls Scarlet saying (Chris) is spending the night at Derrik's place and then finishes her transformation planning to go on her scheduled date with Derrik. Chris tries to fight her, but she's gained too much control and is too strong to fight. Christina meets up with Derrik and the two have dinner together. While in the background Chris hears a few similarities between him and Christina realizing that she really is the female version of him and seems to have memories as if she has been born and lived in his place. She also seems to be smarter than Chris likely because Chris had a sports career consume a lot of his time while Christina would not have had such pursuits and focused more on her schoolwork. Christina and Derrik then go dancing and despite Chris' protests in the background she gets rather provocative and forwards with Derrik teasing him as they dance. The couple then decide to go all the way and find a hotel room for the night. Chris still resists but Christina maintains control and tells him she plans to get very passionate with Derrik. She then tells Chris to try and go to sleep so he doesn't have to experience anything through her and ruin the mood in her head. Forced to comply Chris drifts to sleep and Christina and Derrik have a passionate night together.

The next morning Chris wakes up first since he went to sleep early, and Christina was up so late having sex with Derrik. At first, he tries to slip away without him noticing but Derrik stirs away and cuddles him as he still in Christina's form. Chris manages to play it off and excuse "her" self to the bathroom where he takes a cold shower to try to wake up Christina on the inside. The plan works and Christina wakes up from the cold water and regains control. Chris insists she ends things with Derrick for the day, but Christina wants to keep things going and spend the day with him. To convince her Chris admits he's had a change of heart and after seeing they have a lot in common and feeling what it's like to have your body controlled and be suppressed, he agrees to talk about sharing control of their body if she ends things. Seeing it as her only chance Christina agrees and tells Derrik she needs to get to work soon and asks him to leave. The couple kiss goodbye and Derrick leaves looking forward to another date soon. Once he's gone Chris and Christina begin making arrangements to swap out control fairly. Christina agrees since Chris is the "real" one he can have his body for longer, but she can do favors for him like homework and chores in exchange for more time. Chris agrees but also says how since she spent a lot of his money on clothing and a cell phone, she owes him a lot. Christina promises to find a way to pay him back with interest and will only spend more when necessary. The two then agree to draw up a rotation so they can fairly swap out days to spend with their Signiant others and neither one hogs all the good days of the week.

Finally, Christina asks Chris is he can introduce her as a friend to Jessica and Scarlet since in her mind they're her family and it pains her they don't know her at all. Chris says how that's impossible since they can't be in the same place at the same time. After some thought however her thinks of a way they can make it happen since Jessica already knows about his powers. An hour later the "two" of them return home and Chris calls Jessica into his room. Once there Jessica finds Christina instead and is confused thinking it's just another girl Chris has turned himself into. Christina tries to explain and Chris chimes in talking through her but as he's talking in Christina's voice it's a bit confusing. Despite the craziness of the situation almost making her faint again Jessica gets the message and is both shocked and happy to have a sister she always wanted even if she is stuck inside of her brother. As the three siblings talk a bit more Jessica suggests that whenever the one who isn't active on the outside is talking, they should raise one hand to specify its them since their voice can't change without a necklace. The two agree and continue to talk a bit until they ask Jessica to introduce Christina to Scarlet as friend. The two "sisters" go downstairs and make introductions and Christina apologizes for running off on Scarlet the other day claiming she panicked when she realized Jessica had never actually introduced them before. Scarlet is happy to meet her and Christina is happy her "family" at least knows she exists now. Chris is much more welcoming of her now and despite the need to switch back and forth is beginning to like having another sister. Christina and Jessica then want to have a girl's day out and while Chris lets them, he has no interest in joining them and goes back to sleep inside their head.

A few days later Holly comes back and after Chris explains his new arrangements with Christina, she is initially angry he's let things get so out of control after only a few days but both Chris and Christina reassure her that they've come to an understanding and while they may have to share a body, they feel they can trade off control enough to manage and Holly and Chris can still have time together. Holly then asks Chris is he's been looking into his powers and trying to find any answers to what they are or how they work and maybe looking for a solution to separating from Christina. Chris says he hasn't witch just angers Holly. He is convinced it's doubtful that there would be any answers out there about his power or where it came from but promises Holly he'll start looking and that he'll find a solution eventually.

Magical Mayhem[]

This part is from pages 319 to 368. (↑ back to chapter summary)

Dec 20, 2014 - Jan 25, 2015

A month later, Chris is waiting in the mall to meet Holly for Xmas shopping. While he still hasn't quite figured out his powers, he and Christina have become much more harmonious and speak to each other mentally as they sit and wait. As they are taking however a girl with bright blue eyes and black hair with blue highlights approaches from behind and seems to notice something about them. She comes up to Chris and introduces herself as Isabelle (Too Good to Put Down) but seems to imply she can sense or feel something about Chris that she and he has in common. Chris politely greets her back but is confused when she claims she can "see" what he is and asks if he can see her. Chris is confused and still unsure what she means. After a minor argument, Isabelle realizes that Chris is honestly unaware of what she can see and tries to pull him into the nearby restroom to show him something. Christina watches in the background assuming she just crazy and tells Chris to run but Chris has a gut feeling its important and wants to see what she's talking about. Isabelle takes him into the Men's Room. She points Chris towards the mirror and with a strange touch he sees his eyes begin to glow a pale white and an odd green colored symbol glows around his left eye. Both Chris and Christina freak out not understanding what Isabelle did, but she reveals she has the same thing except the pattern around her eye is a different shape and color. She explains it's called a Mana Mark and it's a part of them. Chris is still confused but Isabelle finally explains that both he and she are sorcerers. Chris is shocked and denies it at first, but Isabelle demonstrates a mild Magic spell and asks why his parents never told him. Chris asks what his parents have to do with this, but Isabelle says the only way to be a Sorcerer is to be the child of another one and still questions why he doesn't know. She explains its common to explain being a Sorcerer to children between the ages of six and ten since really young kids can't keep a secret. When Chris explains his father died when he was nine years old Isabelle realizes he's what known as a Mixling; born to one sorcerer parents and one regular parent. His father Nolan must have been the sorcerer but kept it secret from Scarlet and their kids, something rare but not unheard of among sorcerer kind. Nolan died before he could tell Chris about the abilities that he would inherit so he's been left oblivious all these years. Both Chris and Christina are in shock, but they realize this must be related to their predicament.

Chris explains the issue of having Christina stuck inside of him and his strange abilities to shapeshift using clothing. Isabelle is confused but assumes based on what she can sense in regard to Christina that Chris somehow has some form of enchantment but is unsure exactly how it resulted in Christina. She says she can undo it but that would effectively kill Christina and after Christina begs her, she promises not to do it. Isabelle says that her parents may know more and they should go see them to get more answers. To further explain things Isabelle duplicates her clothing for Chris to try on and use them to transform and show how her magic works Isabelle turns into Chris without any clothing. The two then teleport out of the restroom before they're caught. The two of them walk through the mall transformed as each other and Isabelle mentions how Jessica would be a sorcerer too since she and Chris are siblings, but they run into Holly soon after. Despite them trying to explain how Chris is Isabelle and vice versa Holly is confused and angry thinking it's a joke and begins to cause a scene. to avoid unwanted attention Isabelle uses her magic to put Holly in trance like state and insists they all go find Jessica to explain things in full and then go to meet her Isabelle's parents to find out more about the situation between Chris and Christina. The three make it back to the Young home and despite Scarlet and Mark thinking they're drunk based on their odd behavior and Holly's dazed look they make it upstairs to talk to Jessica. Isabelle then snaps Holly out of her trance and then transforms back to herself. While she tries to explain things, Holly is confused and Jessica faints again. Chris is transformed back to normal and after a bit of talk they reveal that Jessica is also a sorcerer and explain everything else to her and Holly. While things are being wrapped up Christina speaks up and asks if they can find out more about the situation with her. Isabelle agrees they need to address that, and they all leave to meet with her parents.

A short trip later Isabelle brings Chris (and Christina), Holly, and Jessica to her parents Norah and Sebastian Arrington and introduces them. While Sebastian questions her bringing a Non-Blood (Holly as she can't use magic) home Isabelle introduces them all and they sit down to explain things. After things are explained both Norah and Sebastian are in shock about meeting two teenage sorcerers who had no knowledge of their heritage. They are also intrigued by Christina. Sebastian uses special arcane vision to try and see who cast the enchantment on Chris that gave him his powers and Norah explains the side effects of the enchantment. Every time Chris transforms, he gets a fragment of the soul of the person he becomes and after a time the soul begins to take hold and take over his mind little by little. However, when he created Christina as female version of himself his own soul duplicated and resulted in two souls in one body. Sebastian senses the one who put the enchantment on him was Nolan their father much to everyone else's confusion. Norah then transforms Chris into Christina to get a better look at her and examine her. Sebastian says the best course of action is to cure Chris of his enchantment and thus kill Christina as he feels she is an abomination as an unnatural soul. At first Christina thinks it may be best to do so as she can never the person she is in her dreams and little more than a burden on Chris at this point. However, both Chris and Jessica defend her saying she's the sister they never had and have grown much closer to her over the past month. Christina is in tears that her siblings accept her, and they all embrace. Norah confirms that Christina's soul is just as real as any other but both she and Sebastian point out she has no history, and it would be very difficult to try and give her her own body. However, Isabelle comes forward and in Arcanic tong (Sorcerer spell language) suggests a combination of a few advanced spells that could work to give Christina her own life and body. Her parents agree its possible but neither of them can perform the needed spells. Isabelle says she can perform one of them. A spell called Mass Memory Alter that lets memories and documents be rewritten on a grant scale so everyone would remember Christina as if she had always been the third young sibling. Her parents question her on it, and she claims she has a special tutor that has been teaching her advanced magics. However, they mention how the other spell they would need can only be done but another bloodline. The Young siblings question this and Isabelle explains.

Isabelle conjures a few magic images and explains how all magic is divided by bloodline referred to as either a color or mineral and every sorcerer is born to a different bloodline and while they can all use nearly any form of magic with proper practice, they excel at magic most associated with their bloodline and certain high-level spells can only be cast by a member of certain bloodlines. The Nine different sorcerer bloodlines are: Gold (Yellow), Silver (Gray), Bronze (Orange), Ruby (Red), Amethyst (Purple), Diamond (White), Obsidian (Black), Emerald (Green), and Sapphire (Blue). Isabelle and Norah are Sapphire blooded, Sebastian is Obsidian Blooded, and The Youngs are Emerald Blooded. She then explains that emerald is focused mostly on healing and its master spell is regeneration which could grow a new body for Christina to be moved into so she could be removed from Chris and live her own life. The Arrington's have another Emerald blooded friend who can perform this spell and then once Christina is moved into her own body Isabelle can cast Mass Memory Alter to give her her own life. After some discussion the Youngs agree to the plan. Sebastian takes a flesh sample from Christina's body their friend can use to grow a new body from. While it will take time to prepare everything, they agree to help the siblings out. Norah also says she can prepare and perform a spell that will let them see their father's memories if they visit his grave and agrees to prepare it so they can learn why he placed the enchantment on Chris. With the plans in motion Christina has a sample taken and the Arringtons begin their work to help them.

A few weeks later on New Year's Eve Chris and Jessica are now able to perform basic magic and are practicing mild levitation spells on fruit. Christina watches in the background and the siblings discuss their plans for the night. Jessica hopes to find a cute and formal guy at the party Scarlet and Mark are hosting tonight but asks Chris if he can use transformation magic to make her breasts larger and more like Holly's so she can up her appeal. Chris says he skipped ahead in the spell book and thinks he can do it but when he attempts the spell, he gets distracted and ends up turning Jessica into Holly's cat Mr. Jingles instead. He attempts to reverse it but instead simply turns himself into Jessica. To test out the reversal spell before he tries it on Jessica Chris ends up trying to transform an apple which only causes it to burst into flames. Chris sees he can't do the spell properly and tries to call Isabelle, but she is in the middle of training with her tutor. Desperate to meet a cute guy tonight and wanting to punish Chris for messing things up Jessica and Christina both suggest he goes to the party as Jessica and flirts with the guys she tells him too. Christina will help but Chris will be in the driver's seat as part of his punishment. Forced to comply Chris goes along with the plan and heads out to the party. As Jessica Chris starts a conversation with one of two cute guys Jessica eyes from the stairs and while she thinks the first guy is boring, she finds the second guy a bit more interesting. His name is Fransico, and his flirty moves gets the real Jessica's attention. As he and Chris sit down on the sofa to talk more the real Jessica comes out in her cat form and purposely pushes Chris to cuddle up to Fransico which seems to further his interest in her. Just as the scene progresses much to Jessica's amusem*nt Isabelle shows up after having gotten Chris' message about the situation. Isabelle transforms her clothing into a suitable dress and finds cat Jessica asking her what's going on. Jessica explains the situation to Isabelle, and she quickly turns her back to normal. The two have a little bit more fun with Chris so Isabelle hypnotizes Fransico from a distance and makes him pull Chris onto the dance floor just as soon as they are starting to set up a proper date. Isabelle and Jessica Laugh it off but soon after Chris excuses himself and the real Jessica takes his place. Chris hides outside where he's confronted by Isabelle who berates him for breaking the first rule of learning magic. Don't Skip Ahead. She teases him a bit more but then finally changes him back feeling he's suffered enough. The two talk a bit longer as the Ball Drops and the party cries out cheers for the new year. As thanks Isabelle and Chris share a drink and a dance and both seem to show a few sparks between each other. The night ends as they dance under the moon.

A month later Norah has prepared the spell that will allow them to view Nolan Young's memories by visiting his grave. Isabelle joins her and the Young siblings and as Isabelle Explains that Christina's body is nearly halfway done and should be ready in another couple months Norah begins the spell and shares what she sees with the others. They learn that Nolan was a non-Practicing sorcerer as he didn't get along with the parent who he inherited it from and was ashamed of his own power. He kept his true nature secret from everyone including Scarlet. However shortly after the family moved to Seatle and Chris was around 7 years old Scarlet and Nolan tried to have another child, but it was stillborn due to complications. Scarlet fell into a deep depression after that, and Nolan began to worry. Since she had not friends yet since they were new to the area Nolan decided to use his power to become the friend Scarlet needed. He didn't know more than basic magics since he stopped studying at a young age thus, he didn't know how to transform himself normally, but he did know an enchantment that would let him transform using clothing instead. He placed the enchantment on himself and used it much in the same way Chris did to create a female persona he called Nicole. Like Chris he experienced the side effect that duplicated his own soul but since Nicole shared his love and concern for Scarlet the two lived harmoniously and switched back and forth to help Scarlet through her depression. One day when Chris almost walked in on them in the bathroom as Nicole, Nolan had to use a spell to undo the enchantment in a hurry but when he did this, unknown to either of them, Chris received what he thought was a kind of static shock through the door but in reality, Nolan had unknowingly given him the same enchantment. It then either took a few years to fully surface or Chris simply never wore anyone else's clothing to discover it until recently. Chris is in tears feeling a sense of closeness to his father knowing he was the one who gave him this power. The Young siblings are all in tears knowing more about their father and they all embrace. Christina promises once she's a real person she'll be the greatest sister and daughter the Youngs could ask for and while she can't replace the one, they lost she can be part of their family. Isabelle explains her plan is to use Mass Memory Alter to make everyone think that Chris and Christina were born as twins and that she's always lived alongside them. She also promises she won't alter the memories of the child Scarlet lost when they were little. Only Holly will keep her original memories since she's in on the secret already. The Youngs are grateful and hopeful for a future together.

Twins and Doubles[]

This part is from pages 369 to 400. (↑ back to chapter summary)

March 4 -June 1

Over a month later Chris and Holly are discussing how Christina's body is predicted to be done within a week or so and Holly is eager to have Christina out of Chris. Despite the siblings fully accepting her and Christina remembering Holly as her best friend, Holly is still somewhat hostile towards Christina due to her taking time away from her and Chris to live her side of a life. Holly agrees to try and at least make peace with her when she becomes her own person but is still uncomfortable with the situation as it stands. Chris thanks Holly for sticking by him and being patient through all this but Holly asks for something in exchange. Since Chris is better at magic now Holly asks if he can give her the same enchantment he has and wants to experience sex as a man with Chris as a girl. Chris is shocked and questions her on it. Holly says she wants to experiment a bit since she's bi and wants Chris to transform into her and then she transforms into Chris' body but only after Christina is out of him. Chris refuses as he's straight and doesn't want to sleep with a man even if it is actually her transformed. After a minor argument Chris admits he's curious what it would feel like to have sex that way, so he proposes a compromise. he suggests they have sex where they are both in Holly's body, but Chris uses his magic to give Holly a male crotch so she can feel what it's like on the male end and Chris can feel what it's like on the other end. Holly agrees and while Christina watches shocked in the background the couple embrace eager to try it once Christina is out of the way.

Just over a week later the Arringtons teleport the Young siblings to Africa to meet with their Emerald Blooded friend Dantelle who has completed work on Christina's body. They arrive at her home and after introductions they head to her underground lab where Christina's body is waiting. There they see a fully formed organic and natural body that looks identical to Christina laying on a medical table. From inside Chris Christina is very excited and sees her body for the first time. Dantelle explains it's a fully functional and living body, but it is also an empty shell and has no soul within it. A body usually can't survive long without a soul inside but this one is sustained by magic until Christina's soul can be removed from Chris and placed into it. With both siblings ready Nora and Dantelle begin the procedure and asks Chris to lay down on the other table across from Christina. Dantelle paralyzes him to keep him still for the process and Nora begins the Soul Magic spell to remove Christina. Nora manages to pull out a white glowing orb from Chris' head she explains is Christina's soul, but she is still connected to Chris to some degree and his soul comes out as well. Nora is forced to remove both souls and then gently pull them apart fully separating the two siblings. Isabelle jumps in and takes Chris' soul orb while Nora takes Christina. Isabelle then gently places Chris back into his body and Nora fuses Christina's soul into hers. Though the spell is completed neither of the siblings wake up right away. Holly and Jessica begin to worry but Dantelle assures them its normal for it to take a few moments due to the strain it puts on the soul. A moment later Christins jolts awake and in shock now in her own body and free to live her own life. Chris stirs awake at the same time and the two turn to see each other face to face for the first time. The (now twin) siblings get up off the table and embrace each other happily, glad to be separated. The other cheer in the success and Isabelle gets the clothing they brought for Christina for her to change into.

After the successful transfer, Isabelle begins to cast the Mass Memory Alter spell. Due to the large number of people she needs to effect she takes a few moments to build up the necessary power. The Young siblings watch closely, and Nora is impressed that Isabelle has mastered such a high-level spell so early. As Isabelle completes the spell there is a massive flash of white light and images of everyone who's memories are changed including Scarlet, Mark, Derrik, Miss Turner, and Kayla plus several hundred others who know the Young family. The only Non-Blood exempt from the spells effects is Holly. With the spells completion the memory and documents of the world are rewritten to remember that Chris and Christina were born as Twins and have always lived that way. The Youngs then want to go home and see if it worked but Christina remains a little nervous. The Arringtons teleport them back home and Chris thanks Isabelle for everything as Christina walks in calling out to Scarlet as "Mom" for the first time. She finds Scarlet in the kitchen who greets her as her daughter revealing the spell worked. Christina then breaks down in tears and embraces Scarlet as her mother at long last. Scarlet is confused why she is acting this way as she is oblivious to the memory alter and true events that lead to this, but Chris and Jessica come in soon after and play it off saying the three of them just came back from seeing a really sad movie and Christina's just a bit emotional. Scarlet buys the ruse and Christina pulls herself together. She then asks her mother is the two could spend some time together and go out to do something today. Jessica wants to join in and Chris soon follows saying they should make it a family day out. Scarlet is happy to oblige and gets ready for a day out with her Three kids. Isabelle and Nora watch from outside and Nora prides Isabelle on how perfect she cast the spell and helped them all. Isabelle then asks Nora to have a mother daughter day out as well witch she is happy to join her on. Christina then goes upstairs to get ready and finds that Scarlet and Marks offices space has now become her own bedroom which is a feminized version of Chris'. She is so happy to now have her own life and body and the siblings welcome her as their sister. She also turns on her own Mana mark which is identical to Chris' showing she too is a sorcerer like her brother and sister and the siblings go to get ready for some family time.

A week after Christina is given her own body and finally removed from Chris, he goes over to spend a night with Holly to try an experiment a bit with her as promised. Even with Christina separated from him and now being able to transform his own body with magic, Chris has elected to keep his enchantment for now feeling a mild connection with his father through it and is better able to control the side effects. As promised Chris decides to use his enchantment to turn into Holly since she's come to find Christina's face and body a bit offsetting from the past few months of her being inside Chris. The fool around a bit as doubles having lesbian foreplay and sex but then Holly asks Chris to up the stakes and go through with the plan, they discussed a couple weeks back. Chris agrees and uses the magic he's mastered so far to give Holly the same clothing swap enchantment he has. Once she's enchanted, Holly dawns a pair of Chris' boxers which causes her crotch to become his converting her vagin* into a penis within seconds. While Chris is a bit intimidated at first the couple then have sex while both in Holly's body but with Chris on the receiving end of Holly's new equipment. The two eventually wear themselves out and begin to drift off to sleep. Chris uses regular transformation magic to turn his head back into his own, so he won't black out as he sleeps and wake up thinking he's Holly. The next morning Holly wakes up first and puts on the rest of Chris' cloths to fully transform into him to see what it's like to be a man. Chris wakes up and is a bit shocked to see her like that and makes it clear he's not going to have sex with her that way, but Holly simply says she's having a little fun and while she does tease Chris a bit due to his body still being shapeshifted into hers she promises she won't make him do anything sexual with her like that though she does ask to keep the enchantment he gave her just to play around with it a bit.

Three months later the young siblings graduate High School. Scarlet is in tears seeing all three of her children graduate and not only has Christina fully adapted to having her own life but has become a happy full member of the family. She and Holly have begun to at least be a bit more friendly with one another, but she's become closer to Jessica as a best friend in her place. Isabelle stops by even though she goes to a different school, but her ceremony has finished already. She congratulates the Youngs and asks to speak to Chris for a moment. Isabelle explains to Chris that she'll be gone for most of the summer as her apprenticeship with her mysterious master will have her traveling abroad for a few months. Norah and Sebastian will be in charge of further training the Youngs in magic and getting them better introduced to the sorcerer world, but Isabelle will only be able to stop by on occasion. Chris is a bit upset to not be seeing her too much for a while but accepts it and the two hug. The two of them seem to have a moment together and as they talk about what they see for their possible future plans Isabelle admits she wishes she had found Chris sooner. Chris admits the same desire and the two blush clearly displaying feelings for one another. Soon after Holly comes up and greets the two. While she is mildly suspicious of the two, she congratulates them both. Holly has been accepted to a college in Oregon and while Chris will be staying in Seattle, he can now teleport back and forth since he's mastered that degree of magic. Isabelle begrudgingly wishes the couple the best and teleports away. Chris and Holly then talk a bit with Jessica and Christina and after a short discussion they make a plan to travel the world a bit for the first half of summer. Chris has mastered Construct magic and can make magic duplicates of them all to fill in at work and home and then the rest can teleport around the world to experience a ton of places in a short time. The group all agree to the plan and are eager to get started soon. Chris and Holly then embrace with Chris thanking Holly for sticking by him through all this and the two of them kiss saying they love each other.


This part is in page 400. (↑ back to chapter summary)

June 2, Isabelle is with her master, The Sapphire Fox overlooking the Sydney Opera House. She and The Fox discuss their plans to travel the continent over the summer seeking out all those afflicted with the Gender Curse and between the two of them they hope to get through the thousands across the continent by the end of the summer.

Deleted Scene[]

These pages were added just over a year later showing a small deleted scene that was completed but cut from the main comic. (↑ back to chapter summary)

December 11th a couple weeks after Chris and Christina called a truce and began their arrangement Christina finished homework for Chris through his body and per their agreement, she has now earned more time that weekend to use the body. She begins to get dressed to transform into her proper form. She then reveals that last Monday when she was in control and Chris was asleep, she found a guy who made her a fake ID witch she then used to get a job as a barista at a night club. While Chirs is pissed off that she spent practically all his bank account to get the ID made but Christina promises that her new job pays in cash and most of it will go back to paying him back with interest. Christina arrives for the job and is greeted by another barista who shows her to her part of the bar. As customers begin to role in Christina gets a bit flirty and shows a little extra cleavage. Chris is a bit offset by this but after the two first customers give her a 20$ tip each he gives in and lets her continue what she's doing. Christina teases him a bit but remains adamant she's only flirting for the tips. Chris begins to try and drift to sleep but feels annoyed and wonders how he's ever going to find a way to fix their situation and get Christina out of him, so he doesn't have to live swapping bodies for the rest of his life.


  • This comic is the introduction of the character called Party Plant, who became a running gag throughout SapphireFoxx, even after Different Perspectives ended.
Different Perspectives (2024)


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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